As of 5/6/22: SPY YTD return: -13.13% Barclay’s Aggregate (AGG) YTD return: -10.42% Standard 60%/40% benchmark portfolio return: -12.05% Despite…
This graph is from the first page of Refinitiv’s “This Week in Earnings” and it gives a different look…
YTD the SPY isĀ down 7.54%, while the Barclay’s Aggregate is -8.46%, per Morningstar data. Given Ukraine, inflation, sharply higher…
There is a little of everything this week for readers. First, be careful about using SP 500 EPS information as…
The rise in the 10-year Treasury yield this week from 2.15% as of Friday, March 18, to 2.49% on Friday,…